6 Steps to Prepare for Digital Transformation


As the experts in any field, from business to sports, will tell you, the key to success isn’t so much execution as it is preparation. When you are fully and properly prepared to take a particular action or launch a particular initiative, you are already on the right trajectory for success. Then you simply need to stick to the plan to achieve your objective.

That is certainly true with “digital transformation”—the concept of using digital technologies to develop new, more-effective processes or enhance existing processes to improve your company’s efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability. What can seem like a daunting task does not have to be. By taking steps to ready your organization for the change, you position the business to move through the process smoothly and uneventfully.

This, of course, begs the question: How do you prepare for digital transformation? In our work with a wide range of organizations, we have found that these actions are key:

  1. Learn about technology trends. In order to determine how you want to transform your business, you have to understand how you can transform your business. A company like Buddha Logic that has deep expertise in process automation, workflow transformation and content services can provide valuable insight, but having a good baseline of knowledge is important as well.
  2. Document your vision. Working with your digital transformation solution provider, produce a “big picture” for where you want to be at the end of the process. This document doesn’t need to have all the details on how you’ll get there—just some high-level (but clear) objectives. “Incoming forms will be immediately scanned, digitized and categorized.” “Documents will move from Process A to Process B without any human interaction.” “Overall application processing time will be decreased by approximately 25%.”
  3. Get input from stakeholders on how to achieve your vision. Nobody knows better how to improve your processes than the people “in the trenches.” Getting their input is vital, both to identifying areas for improvement and for getting their buy-in and support of your digital transformation initiative.
  4. Craft a step-by-step plan for achieving your goals. Again, the digital transformation company you work with can guide you through developing your road map, and later, executing it. Consequently, you want to find a provider like Buddha Logic that takes a collaborative approach to digital transformation. When interviewing companies, be wary of anyone who tells you how you “must” address the project.
  5. Share your digitization plan. Nobody who will be affected by new technology and processes wants to be kept in the dark about what is coming. By keeping your teams well informed, you will earn their trust and their willingness to help with the transformation.
  6. Provide pre-implementation training. Much of the training of your staff will take place as new or enhanced systems come online. However, educating teams about new processes in advance can help them hit the ground running when you implement the new technology.

Having completed these steps, your organization will be well-prepared for what’s to come. No confusion. No surprises. Just a carefully orchestrated implementation that people are ready and eager for.

Reaping the Benefits of Digital Transformation

The reward for the work you do getting ready for digital transformation is that people very quickly see operational improvements like greater efficiency, increased accuracy and more time to focus on other pressing tasks. And, to your average employee, these improvements may seem to be almost effortless—even though you’ll know that it was the upfront effort that put your project on the glide path to success!

Curious about what digital transformation preparation would look like at your organization, and what benefits can be gained from automating your processes and workflows? Book a free, 30-minute exploratory phone conversation by calling 720-739-1773 x 102 or contacting us online. There’s no obligation to work with us, and the insights gained from the call are extremely valuable regardless.

About the Author

Executive Vice President at Buddha Logic, Larry Matthews has more than 20 years of executive management experience and is responsible for the company’s operations and customer facing functions, including business development, sales enablement, professional services, finance and corporate administration. His work with other successful technology companies has honed his skill for improving operational performance while maintaining a positive bottom-line result at Buddha Logic. Find and connect with Larry on LinkedIn.