As robotic process automation (RPA) becomes more common in a wide range of industries, from insurance to healthcare to financial services, people are becoming more familiar with its many benefits. When RPA Technology is used to handle manual, repetitive data entry and data transfer tasks, the advantages include:
- Increased productivity
- More cost-effective operations
- Increased accuracy
- Better utilization of employee skills and abilities
- Improved compliance
And that’s just the short list. There are other important benefits that aren’t talked about as much. One of these is the ability to “repatriate” work being performed overseas.
Bringing Offshore Work Back In-House
In recent decades, it has been a common practice for companies to take advantage of the lower wages and large workforces in places like India and China. They have used “offshoring” with overseas labor to get some or all of their data entry-type tasks completed in a more cost-effective manner.
Today, however, software robots are smarter than ever, affordable to develop, and easy to launch and manage. Consequently, many companies are reassessing how best to address repetitive data-related tasks. RPA can now be used to complete these tasks quickly, without error, and 24/7/365 if needed.
This growing wave of “onshoring” is providing a number of benefits, such as:
- The elimination of communication issues
- Improved quality
- Greater agility (software robots can be tweaked in a matter of minutes)
- Increased cost savings, especially as wages in offshoring countries rise
- Improved data security and control
This is not to say, of course, that every process currently being offshored can or should be brought back in-house. But, the availability of digital assistants like Buddha Botz and an onshore team supporting them gives companies options they didn’t have even as recently as a few years ago.
Is RPA Technology Right for Your Company?
One of the reasons some companies don’t explore using robotic process automation to help with their repetitive tasks is that they aren’t sure how and where they would leverage the capability. And, they assume the process of creating software robots is complicated and time-consuming.
That’s why we offer a free, no-commitment, 60-minute deep dive into the challenges you face and the best way to tackle them. Contact us today to schedule your session and see how big an impact RPA Technology can have in your environment.
About the Author
Charles Weidman is the President and CTO of Buddha Logic. Charlie has over two decades of experience in the design, development and implementation of content services and business process management solutions. He is also an expert in robotic process automation. Charlie founded Buddha Logic with the idea that well-architected digital document capture and management processes are both beautifully simple and powerfully logical. Find and connect with Charlie on LinkedIn.